Are you infected with the disease of people-pleasing? Do you incessantly worry about what other people think about you? If so, hear these words from my dad: Don’t! They aren’t thinking about you. They’re too busy thinking about themselves. Here’s the antidote to people-pleasing: Consider others more important than yourself. Imitate Jesus’s humility. He had equal status with God, yet he set aside the privilege of deity and became human, leading a humble, obedient life. He came to earth to serve, not be served. Please imbibe this important lesson: Value others more highly than yourself. Seek to serve others, not be served. Don’t put your focus on yourself. Instead, commit to first help others (Phil. 2:3-4). When you do so, you’ll not worry about what others think. You won’t even care. Because you will know that they are too busy thinking about themselves.
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