by David Chadwick
This week, we are going to continue on with three more hidden heroes and then finish up with two more bad guys of the Bible. I hope that as you look at both heroes and villains, you will see the beautiful contrast of how God uses all things, both the good and the bad, to work together for our good and his glory (Romans 8:28).
James is today’s hero. Author of the book of James and head of the Jerusalem Church in Acts 15, James saw Jesus alive and raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15).
James was the half-brother of Jesus and probably the next oldest son of Joseph and Mary, who probably took control of the carpentry business after Joseph died. It’s very likely that James was the one who led the familial charge to warn Jesus of the impending dangers of the religious authorities after Jesus stepped out at the age of 30 to begin his earthly ministry. The death of Jesus was imminent, but instead of supporting him, James and his family told Jesus to stop his ministry and come home to put an end to the foolishness (Mark 3:20-21). It was in this passage that Jesus reminded his followers that only those who are doing God’s will are truly family (Mark 3:33-35).
No one, including family, could stop Jesus from God’s call on his life. He only did what his Father said to do.
So, given the season of skepticism that James had, what changed? Why is he one of my heroes? How did he go from a skeptic to being head of the early church? How did he end up being willing to give up his life standing for the truth that his half-brother was the risen Savior of the world? It was the Resurrection! He had seen his half-brother alive! Risen!
The life, death, and resurrection of his half-brother moved James from skepticism to full surrender. Seeing his brother brought back to life eradicated every part in him that questioned his earthly ministry.
Study the proofs of the Resurrection. They are so profound! Undeniably true! Irrefutable! Like James, when you see the veracity of Scripture playing out through the Resurrection, your life will never be the same.
And always remember: the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in all people who put their faith in him (Romans 8:11). Walk in that reality!