by David Chadwick
We are starting week two of looking at 15 key doctrines of the Christian faith. I am handing a new key to you each day. My prayer is that you will keep these keys in your possession and use them to stand for truth.
In the last days, we are told there will be times of difficulty (2 Timothy 3:1), scoffers (2 Peter 3:3), those who follow ungodly passions (Jude 1:18), and those who depart from the faith (1 Timothy 4:1). We must know the truth before being presented with an opportunity to be deceived.
Today’s key is the doctrine of sin, hamartiology.
Please note the previous doctrine: anthropology. God created Adam and Eve sinless, with strict orders not to eat of a certain tree.
What happened in the Garden of Eden when the devil tempted Adam and Eve and they chose to disobey? Sin entered the world.
In Genesis 3:1-7, God had clearly warned them that if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely die – both spiritually and physically. And that is exactly what happened.
This grave mistake paved the way for all of the world’s problems that we are still experiencing today. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).
We are all in Adam’s loins and are therefore conceived in sin – the doctrine of original sin (Psalm 51). I like to say that we are all basically selfish and occasionally do good things because we have been created in the image of God. That image is still upon us, but because of sin, it’s a flawed image.
Jesus is the second Adam (Romans 5:12-19). Where Adam failed in his disobedience, Jesus succeeded through his perfect obedience. In Adam, we died.
In Jesus, and his gift of salvation through the cross and the resurrection, we now live forever!
Thank you, Jesus.