The eternal God of the universe wants to be your close, personal friend. He longs to be your Support. Your Redeemer. Your Help. To become your personal God. Perhaps the most beloved psalm in the Bible begins with these words: “The Lord is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1). Think of all the ways a shepherd cares for his sheep. He leads, guides, cleans and feeds them. He protects them throughout the night by sleeping in the doorway of the sheep pen. Predators can get to the sheep only by first attacking the shepherd. In the Old Testament, God is described as the shepherd of Israel. And in the New Testament, Jesus portrays Himself as the great shepherd of His people (John 10). Jesus knows each of His sheep - His children - by name. We, His sheep, can hear His voice, recognize it, and trust Him to lead us to safety (John 10:27). A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. And that’s exactly what Jesus did for us, because of His great love for us! If even one of Jesus’s sheep becomes lost, He leaves the 99 to bring the one lost sheep back home (Matthew 18:12). That’s an example of how much you matter to Jesus, your good and kind shepherd. Is Jesus the Shepherd of your life? He wants to be. Pray to Him today, “Daddy, be my Shepherd! Protect me from harm. Keep me safe. When I wander, seek me. And bring me back to You. I love you, Daddy! You are my personal God!” The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. I need nothing else.
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