For the remainder of July, you will see some of our favorite blogs from earlier in the year. As we are in a month of rest and revival, we hope you enjoy these reminders.
There are so many reasons why suffering happens. While it helps give us a framework for what is going on in this broken world, it doesn’t make the pain any less.
In addition to some of the reasons we have been talking through, we also suffer when God disciplines us. Ouch. This one is not fun. Hebrews 12:11-13 says, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”
If you had a good, loving, honest earthly father, you know that Godly correction is normal and even necessary in a healthy home. Kids love boundaries and discipline is often the tool needed to help them stop destructive behavior. Momentary discipline can save children from harm and a lifetime of pain.
Our heavenly Father disciplines us for these reasons as well. Its purpose? To give us the “peaceful fruit of righteousness” mentioned above. God wants us to live in the right standing with him and with others. This honors him.
While it can be painful, choose to yield to the loving and fruitful discipline of your heavenly Father. Yes, it hurts at the moment. But know that it is only because he loves you and wants the best for you.
If you never got to experience the unconditional love of an earthly father, I pray that you will have an encounter with your heavenly Father that will change you forever. Allow him to show you what true love is. 1 Corinthians 13 is a great place to start. He is patient. Kind. Long-suffering. His love is not rude or irritable. It does not rejoice in wrongdoing but only with the truth.
As you understand how much he loves you, you will be able to receive his discipline with the deep understanding that it will ultimately produce character, which produces hope (Romans 5:4-5).
A loving eternal Daddy does sometimes discipline his children, but only for our good and his glory.