Marriage vows are rooted in the word covenant. It means a vow that cannot be broken. The significance of covenant is seen in the Old Testament through the covenant God made with Israel. In the New Testament, it is seen in the covenant Jesus makes with his church and followers.
Whether you are married or not, the expression of covenant love and covenant vows through marriage is a real life depiction of Jesus’s love for you, his Bride. It means no one can ever snatch you out of his hand (John 10:28). It means he will never leave nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
This is especially true in our wedding vows. Many of us start off saying, “I ____________, take you _____________ to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife…”
Do you remember the next line?
“And I do promise and COVENANT before God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful husband/wife in plenty and in want…”
“In plenty and in want.” This means whether you have a little or a lot, you stay married to your beloved. Notice that LOVE here has nothing to do with circumstances. Circumstances are termites that eat away at successful marriages…especially in America. Many people, especially in our western culture, are overly focused on selfish ambition, greed, and things that build up personal dynasties of comfort. It is easy to love “in plenty.” But the true mark of covenantal, unconditional love is to continue to love when you aren’t getting everything you want from the relationship. When you live your life from a place of conviction based on covenant and not conditional love, you work through difficult circumstances together. And you will find that your love will grow as you do. Remember, let your yes be yes and your no be no. And always choose to love both in plenty and in want.