by David Chadwick
This week, we have been looking at the full armor of God, being intentional to learn how to put it on piece by piece.
The shoes with the readiness of the gospel of peace are the next things we must put on to be fully covered in the armor of God. A soldier can’t win without shoes that grip the earth. We can’t defeat the enemy unless we can stand firmly on the gospel that gives us peace.
Peace means Jesus’s presence is readily available in anything you face. Though the world is crazy, and your life will be challenged - when you choose to believe the gospel you are not only given the gift of eternal life, but Jesus promises to be with you. He will give you his peace amidst the storms of life.
Did you know peace also means shalom? Shalom is intricately connected to the word “wholeness” - abiding in the deep understanding that no matter what, God blesses your life with his eternal presence.
The gospel assures Jesus’s followers that his love conquers all. Because of this gospel, we can walk in peace.
As you stand firm against the enemy, your shoes are firmly gripped to the ground. In the midst of conflict, they do not slip and slide, but are planted confidently and courageously.
But don’t miss this: these shoes have a purpose beyond your security. They are also to prepare you to be ready, at any moment throughout the day, to share the gospel of peace with anyone who walks into your life at any time.
“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” (1 Peter 3:15).
We are to be ready to share Jesus with anyone! To give a defense of the hope that lives in us. And this happens when we put on the shoes with the readiness of the gospel of peace.
That was Jesus’s design to give us daily security. It was his design as well for how the gospel would be shared around the world.
Walk well!