Hope Women
We know that navigating this world is a challenge, and that having others to come alongside us and speak into our lives is a huge blessing. Wherever you are on your faith journey, we want to help you with the ups and downs of life and would love to get to know you.
Join Hope Women and find others with similar struggles, and similar stories.

Soul Circles
Date: March 4
Time: 6:30p
Location: Moments of Hope Church
Rise Up! Becoming a Woman of Valor
Do you ever feel like you’re in a war? For your faith, your family, your community? The Bible is filled with stories of women who dared to show strength and courage in tough times.
The famed “virtuous woman” of Proverbs 31:10 is better translated “woman of valor.” Surprisingly, valor is a military term. God knew we’d have to rise up as fierce warriors for our families and communities.
Join us for SOUL CIRCLES: Rise Up! Becoming a Woman of Valor. Marilynn Chadwick and Bethany Carson will share what the Bible teaches about our unique role as women. Plus, you’ll hear stories from real life women who have learned what it truly means to be “part nurturer and part warrior.”
SOUL CIRCLES will be Tuesday night, March 4th at Moments of Hope Church. Doors open at 6:30p so you can enjoy coffee, along with sweet and savory treats from Best Impressions catering.
The cost is just $5.00 per person. Why not bring your daughter or granddaughter? This event fills quickly so register early! Can’t wait to see you there!

Women's Bible Studies & Events

Join other women and experience powerful lessons in your journey of faith!
A Study in James
Life can feel overwhelming at times, filled with pressure, stress, conflict, and unfulfilled dreams. We all face challenges. Jesus Himself told us we’d experience trouble in this world (John 16:33). But here's the good news: through it all, we can grow stronger in our faith and find hope.
Over the next four weeks, we'll dive into the book of James, exploring how to stand firm in our beliefs, live with wisdom, and wait patiently for God's timing. James teaches us that God’s ultimate goal for us is to make us whole, perfect, and complete in Him—no matter the hardships we face.
We’d love for you to join us on this transformative journey. Through study, reflection, and prayer, the book of James will encourage and strengthen you in ways you may never have imagined. Let's walk through this together!
Dates: March 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
Time: 10:00a-11:30a
Location: Moments of Hope Church
Leaders: Diana Mutschink and Annette Goodman
Woman of Valor: Discovering the Strength God Gave You
Did you know that the famed “virtuous woman” of Proverbs 31:10 is better translated “woman of valor?” The Bible portrays her as “part nurturer and part warrior”—a fighter at heart. She fights not only for her personal world, but also for the world around her.
Join us for a three-week Bible study in March called: Woman of Valor: Discovering the Courage and Strength God Gave You.
Based on Marilynn Chadwick’s book, we’ll take a closer look at the Proverbs 31 woman. Plus, we’ll learn about other women in the Bible who foiled genocidal plots, fought wars, and raised world changing kids. We’ll also hear stories from real life women who are changing their world.
You’re invited to come learn what it means to:
Grow Strong in the Lord
Pray with Power
Build Your House Wisely
Lead with Kindness
Give Your Life Away
Dates: March 11th, 18th, and 25th
Time: 6:30-8:00p
Location: Moments of Hope Church
Leaders: Marilynn Chadwick and teaching team
Cost: $10