Are you a worrier?
How much time do you spend imagining worst-case scenarios? Thinking about what could happen? What might go wrong?
Here’s a piece of advice: Stop it!
Don’t spend today’s energy on tomorrow’s worries. All we are promised is today. And tomorrow has enough worries of its own (Matthew 6:34). In fact, some studies suggest that 90% of what we worry about never happens!
When you focus on today, you realize that worry is wasteful. Useless. It’s like paying interest on a loan that’s not yet due. And when you’re focused on tomorrow - what may lie ahead - you’re using today’s energy to address tomorrow’s worries.
Don’t do it!
Worry is a thief. It burdens your heart and steals your joy.
So whenever you start to worry, remind yourself: Don’t spend today's energy on tomorrow’s worries.