by David Chadwick
We are a little over halfway through a Christmas treasure hunt. Looking for hidden gems found throughout the Christmas story. I believe when you search out the treasures beneath the surface, it stirs your faith and renews your hope.
One of my favorite parts of the Christmas story is the number of angels God uses. Angels are everywhere!
Hebrews 1:14 says this, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?” Angels are ministering spirits assigned specifically to care for God’s elect. The prophet Daniel tells us in chapter 7 that there are 10’s of millions times 10’s of millions of angels around God’s throne.
God sent ministering angels to people throughout the Christmas story. Think about it for a second. Mary (Luke 1:26-56). Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25). The shepherds (Luke 2:8-20). And another instance during the escape to Egypt (Matthew 2:13).
The same God who sent angels to his children back then wants to do the same for you in your times of need as well.
Today, choose to call on the name of the Lord. And then ask God to help you in your time of need. Ask him to command his angels to minister to you. Psalm 91:11 says, “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”
The Christmas story proves that angels are everywhere. They are on assignments and have been used throughout history to minister to and protect people, to battle against the devil’s wiles, and to bring about the purposes of God.
And God just may be ready to send one to you today as well!
Thank you for sharing a moment of your day with us throughout the year. This is our last week of distribution of the Daily Moment of Hope for 2023. We look forward to sending you a Daily Moment of Hope again beginning January 1, 2024.