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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

My Personal God - My Steadfast Love

The eternal God of the universe wants to be your close, personal friend. He longs to be your hiding place. Your heritage. Your shield. He yearns to have a personal relationship with you. Your loving Daddy also wants you to experience His steadfast love (Psalm 144:2). His lovingkindness. His resolute longing for you. And your Daddy in heaven wants this steadfast love to be personal. Intimate. Close. The Hebrew word for steadfast love is “hesed.” It means a love that is based on covenant commitment. A love that is loyal and faithful. A love that never ends. Even when God’s people fail and flee He is faithful to persist in love and pursue us to return to Him. Imagine a rushing river that keeps on flowing no matter what. Try to dam it up, and it finds a way to keep flowing. No matter the obstacles or barriers. That’s God’s steadfast love for you. A love that never ends. That keeps flowing toward you. One that never gives up. Have you experienced the steadfast love of your personal God? Pray to Him now: “Daddy, thank you for the gift of your steadfast love - for Your lovingkindness. For your love that never ends. I know that no matter what I’ve done, My sin ends at the cross. Your love is greater. And Your love endures forever.” The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. It continues for eternity. God is my personal steadfast love.

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