by David Chadwick
This week we are going to spend time looking at some of the crippling effects of people-pleasing. To put it bluntly, people-pleasing is idolatry. It puts someone else on the throne of your heart other than the Most High God.
How do we overcome people-pleasing? Today’s tip is to remember that people make lousy gods.
Seeking people’s approval in order for life to be enjoyed to the full is a dangerous enterprise. Why? Romans 3:23 tells us “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” No matter who they are, people look about for number one. For how something may benefit them.
Every single one of us has come short of God’s standard. If we put our trust in man, we are bound to be disappointed because God is the only one whose love and approval will truly satisfy us. No one is able to satiate the deepest desires of another human.
A human’s love can also be conditional, meaning you can quickly go from idolizing someone to demonizing them.
If you allow another human to become an idol, you will inevitably end up changing yourself to please your idol. You might change the way you dress, eat, act, and talk.
People are inherently selfish, often not caring what happens to others. Looking out for themselves. They will always end up disappointing you because no human can amount to what God can do.
Perhaps that is why Jesus told us that he entrusted himself to no man (John 2:24). He knew what was in their hearts. As should we!
We need to always remember that people make lousy gods.
People will disappoint us.
But God never will.