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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Reading the Signs of the Times: The Ezekiel 38 Coalition

The Ezekiel 38 coalition is the next sign on our road trip. We are learning to read the signs of the times as we wait for Jesus to come back. Before Jesus returns, there will be a group of nations that will form a coalition to invade Israel. Ezekiel 38 explains this in greater detail. The major ones will be modern day Russia, modern day Iran, and modern day Turkey. We are watching this happen today. With all three putting military might into Syria, which borders Israel, it can’t be a coincidence. This is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. What should we do as God’s people as we continue to see these signs unfold? Remember Matthew 24 says that the coming of Jesus will be like the days of Noah. People were eating, drinking, marrying, and unaware of the coming flood that would sweep them away. Can’t you already see how many will be unaware of the coming of the Son of God? Remain faithful and wise. Pay attention to the spiritual, emotional, and practical needs of your own heart, and to your household. And don’t stop sharing the gospel. “Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes" (Matthew 24:46). Jesus is waiting to entrust possessions to those who are living with this kind of prudence. Live with intentionality. Every day matters.

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