by Marilynn Chadwick
David strengthened himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6 ESV).
Sooner or later, it’s bound to happen. We reach the end of our strength. We’ve played out; hit a wall. Maybe you can relate to what I’m talking about. When we’re worn out, our state of mind is affected. Even our faith can falter. As someone once said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” Add to that the increasingly busy lives most of us lead, and you have a sure-fire recipe for exhaustion—and the discouragement that often follows close on its heels.
For the next two weeks, our focus will be on how to be strong in the Lord. How to increase our strength. How to find strength and keep it. How to make good use of it. How to receive it from God. God loves us when we are weak, but he wants to make us strong.
The Bible is honest about human frailty, revealing stories of men and women who reached the end of their strength. But it also shares secrets of how they found strength in God. Scripture tells how David “strengthened himself in the Lord” after a marauding army of Amalekites raided his village and captured all the women and children (1 Samuel 30:6 ESV). God empowered David and his mighty men to regain all they had lost.
I’ve been thinking back to times in my own life when I've wanted to give up. When tough times hit, how do I draw strength from God? Here are a few simple ways that have worked for me:
I literally go into my room (or my car) and shut the door. Often, I’ll turn my devices off, so I won’t even hear the “ding” from someone trying to contact me. It was Jesus himself who reminded his disciples to “go into your room and shut the door” when praying to God (Matthew 6:6). I take out my Bible and dig in. I'm alert to God’s words which speak directly to my heart, reveal an area of sin, provide wisdom for a tricky problem, or add fire to a dream.
As I read, I commit whatever weighs heavy to the Lord in prayer. By pouring over God’s Word, I notice promises that shed light on my situation and give me hope. I can almost feel my faith re-fire. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17 NKJV).
Finally, I keep watch throughout the day to notice signs of God at work. I look for subtle ways he may begin to answer my prayers or fill me with fresh strength. I remember to thank and praise him, which in turn, strengthens my faith and breathes life into my tired soul.
Scripture encourages us to seek God daily and live with this kind of expectant hope:
“In the morning, Lord, you will hear my voice; In the morning I will present my prayer to you and be on the watch”
Psalm 5:3 NASB.
So, I’m curious. How do you strengthen yourself in the Lord?