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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

The Marks of a Christian - I Will Repay

Our lives as Christ-followers should have outward marks, which enable others to sense that we are different. Set apart. Living in the world, but not of the world.

One such mark is leaving vengeance to God – a multifaceted command. One that He speaks to us: “‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19).

Yet another aspect of this command regarding vengeance is understanding God’s promise to repay

As we’ve learned, God owns vengeance. It’s His and His alone. And as a just and fair Daddy, He will repay as He sees fit.

What’s important to note here is the word “repay.” Repay means “to make a return for.” God will handle our offender by repaying the debt owed to us in His way. He will repay the misdeeds. The hurt. The pain. Perhaps it will even be a double restoration (Isaiah 61:7). Double for our trouble!

God wants us to learn to remove our hands from any attempts at vengeance. Why? Because when we attempt to take what is rightfully His, He says to us, “Have it your way.” And so often we make a mess when trying to avenge ourselves.

A helpful maxim to remember: Learn to leave it!

Only our Daddy knows the best penalty to fit the crime against us. We must trust Him. It's an act of faith.  

Leave it to Him. 

God will repay in His perfect way.

Our lives as Christ-followers should have outward marks, which enable others to sense that we are different. Set apart. Living in the world, but not of the world.

One such mark is leaving vengeance to God – a multifaceted command. One that He speaks to us: “‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19).

Yet another aspect of this command regarding vengeance is understanding God’s promise to repay

As we’ve learned, God owns vengeance. It’s His and His alone. And as a just and fair Daddy, He will repay as He sees fit.

What’s important to note here is the word “repay.” Repay means “to make a return for.” God will handle our offender by repaying the debt owed to us in His way. He will repay the misdeeds. The hurt. The pain. Perhaps it will even be a double restoration (Isaiah 61:7). Double for our trouble!

God wants us to learn to remove our hands from any attempts at vengeance. Why? Because when we attempt to take what is rightfully His, He says to us, “Have it your way.” And so often we make a mess when trying to avenge ourselves.

A helpful maxim to remember: Learn to leave it!

Only our Daddy knows the best penalty to fit the crime against us. We must trust Him. It's an act of faith.  

Leave it to Him. 

God will repay in His perfect way.

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