The Mission
To glorify God by making disciples who know Jesus, grow in Jesus, and go for Jesus.
Know Jesus: To be born again (John 3:3), to be in a personal relationship with Jesus
Grow in Jesus: As a body of Christ, we will become lifelong disciples striving to follow, obey, and imitate Jesus (2 Peter 3:18)
Go for Jesus: Into the world (John 20:21) both locally and globally to: 1) the least (Matthew 25:31-46) and; 2) the lost (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)
MOHC has made a commitment to give away 25% of its annual giving to support worthy God-centered and effective outreach. The church has given away over $11 million dollars.
The Values
HAGIOS: the word in the Greek means “holy” (1 Peter 1:16). God calls his church to be a holy people, set apart from the world. Yet Hopesters will be the ones doing the ministry, in the world as salt and light (John 20:21; Matthew 5:13-16).
Humble: We realize everything we have is a gift from God.
Authentic: We are real people living in the Holy Spirit’s supernatural power.
Generous: We generously give because God has so generously given to us through Jesus.
Innovative: We will explore creative means to reach people for Jesus.
Outreach: We live to reach the world for Jesus.
Simple: We will remain a simple organism so that Hopesters can do the ministry of MOHC.
The Vision:
Be the Church...Just Go
Prayer as foundational to all ministry success
Strong marriages & families doing life together
All Hopesters involved in ministry
The poor and underserved being our concern
Financial generosity expressed through the tithe, first fruits, and other offerings
The authority of God’s Word over our lives is undebatable
The gathering of God’s people for worship is expected
Holiness being our passion
Courage in culture as common
Sharing our faith being our first priority
Our Five Year Vision
Be the Church ... Just Go (Matthew 16:17-19)
1. We will partner with at-risk communities in our area to stimulate upward mobility:

2. We will partner with different international ministries to try and engage a minimum of 1,000 Unreached Peoples Groups worldwide with a special interest in the 10/40 window:
Africa/Sudan/Burundi: ALARM / African Leadership And Reconciliation Ministries
Armenia: Triad
Lebanon: Resurrection Church Beirut
Nepal: Global Mission Nepal + Open Eyes + Triad
India: Mission India + Hope for India
China: Thornston Educational Fund
Latin and South America: Camino Church
Israel and Pakistan: The Seed Company
Haiti and Nicaragua: Bless Back Worldwide
Syria and Yemen: Samaritan’s Purse
West Africa (Burkina Faso & Sierra Leone): Edify
North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco & Tunisia): Partner’s International
North Korea: Open Eyes
Kenya: Bringing Miracles
Ethiopia: Helping Hands of Joy
Iran, Turkey: Elam Ministries
Electronic Global Outreach: JesusOnline & the Jesus Film Project
3. We will seek innovative ways to use media, social media, and online resources to reach the world for Jesus.
4. We will partner with ministries that address gospel social implications such as, but not limited to:
foster care
human trafficking
prison ministries
teen evangelism
food and hunger
clean water
overcoming addiction
5. We will train and equip Hopesters primarily through:
Group discipleship gatherings for a day, weekend, or week at Hope Farm
Discipling parents to become the primary spiritual teachers of their children
Other smaller community gatherings as designed and needed