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Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Bad Guys of the Bible: Hymenaeus, Handed Over to Satan

by David Chadwick

The Bible is full of people, great and small, young and old, who God used to carry out his story. And he is still using people like you and me today! Throughout his story, there were many bad guys who rose up to oppose God’s plan. We are continuing to take a look at some of the bad guys of the Bible.

This week, we are going to look at five more bad guys. Hymenaeus is today’s bad guy. He is only talked about twice in the Bible. Mentioned alongside Alexander the Coppersmith in 1 Timothy 1:20 and again in 2 Timothy 2:17, Paul does not hold back in his strong feelings toward Hymenaeus. He makes sure to document his experiences with him for millions of people to read about for years to come.

Alexander the Coppersmith and Hymenaeus were both in the early church in Ephesus. As we see in scripture, they suffered a shipwreck in regard to their faith, meaning they veered off course from what they once knew. Evidently, they were at one point faithful in their beliefs and doctrine, but later turned away to false teaching.

It could also be that Hymenaeus blasphemed Paul personally by questioning his apostolic authority and teaching. Perhap he was envious of Paul’s position of authority in the church. Or maybe he was spreading heretical teaching that blasphemed the gospel of Jesus. Regardless, something significant and painful happened.

How did Paul handle them? He rebuked them strongly and publicly. He turned them over to Satan so they would be taught not to blaspheme. He believed Satan would deal with their deceit and that one day, all would be exposed. 

I believe Paul’s boldness was not just to protect the veracity of the Gospel, but also for Timothy, his mentee, to whom this letter was addressed. Could it be that Paul wanted Timothy to know who Hymenaeus was while doing ministry in Ephesus? Could it be that Paul wanted to demonstrate to Timothy what it looked like to stand firmly and strongly in opposition to a demonic scheme? We don’t know for sure, but can infer many things.

Finally, please note that Paul wanted Alexander and Hymenaeus to repent. He didn’t desire them to go to hell. He wanted Satan to deal with their flesh and their evil desires. But he wanted their souls to be saved. God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell, but repent and spend eternity with him (2 Peter 3:9).

How wonderful it is when a sinner who has wandered from the faith repents and turns to Jesus! It really is possible. It’s good to know who the bad guys are, but even more glorious to watch a bad guy become a good guy, all because of Jesus!

That’s the heart of our Father in heaven.

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