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Davidisms - Make a Thanksgiving List

Writer's picture: David and Marilynn ChadwickDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

We live in a fallen, broken world. One that’s been ravished by sin. And that’s filled with people who are morally and spiritually flawed.

Until we join Jesus in heaven, the problems of this world will remain. It’s why even the most faithful Christians can have moments of despair. Become overwhelmed with life’s problems. Feel like there’s no way out of difficulties.

How do we combat feelings of gloom or sadness?

Make a thanksgiving list! Understand what the psalmist meant when he said, “And don’t forget all God’s benefits” (Psalm 103:2). Start listing, on paper or in your diary, everything you have to be grateful for. Everything!

Start with sleep that renews your body. Then waking up. Go to breathing and air. Heartbeats and blood flowing through your veins. Sun. Green grass. Vision and hearing. The moon and stars. Mountains and beaches. Family and friends. Kids and grandkids.

Got the picture? Keep listing more and more. Your job. Exercise. Sports. Keep going. Over time, you’ll find the list growing into the dozens. Hundreds. Even the thousands.

And then the most remarkable result will occur: Your depression starts to lift!

Try it and see if it works!

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