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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Hope for the New Year - Before You Call, I'll Answer

God is sovereign over all of history. He began it. He will end it. That word sovereign means to possess ultimate power. The Lord our God has all ultimate power.

In Job 38:4, God asks Job a very important question. He says, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” He wanted to remind Job that the Creator of the universe was truly sovereign over every detail of Job’s life.

God knew Job’s heart. He knew his needs. He knew his pain.

God also knows your heart. Your needs. Your pain.

Every detail of your life, he knows.

Therefore, even before you pray, remember that God knows what you need and how to answer those requests before you even ask.

“Before they call, I will answer” (Isaiah 65:24). The Lord spoke this promise over Israel and we, too, are beneficiaries of that promise because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

God is a promise-keeper. He always has been, and always will be.

The reality of God’s faithfulness should fuel your prayer life. You can be confident that God hears and answers all your prayers.

Jesus also said in Matthew 6:8 that the Father knows what you need before you ask. He said this as God in human flesh, which should encourage your prayer life even more!

If God says it, we should believe it.

And he says this.

Before you call.

He will answer.

Call out to him today!

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