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Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

The 21 Day Experiment - Day 18: Living in Two Kingdoms

Updated: Jan 28, 2024

by Marilynn Chadwick

My kingdom is not of this world. John 18:36a (NIV)

Welcome to day 18 of our 21 Day Experiment. We’re near the finish line—so hold on tight!

Jesus talks a lot about his heavenly kingdom. This kingdom, he said, dwells within us. I’ve heard the caution that we shouldn’t become “so heavenly minded that we’re no earthly good.” Yet Jesus tells us to set our mind on things above. To be absorbed with his kingdom.

Our challenge is to dwell in Jesus's kingdom, while also living as temporary citizens of earth. God must have thought we could inhabit both kingdoms, or he would have simply taken us to heaven the minute we accepted Jesus.

Biblically, the word ”kingdom” describes the royal dominion and eternal sovereignty of God. Jesus knew this, and when interrogated by Pilate, he said simply, “My kingdom is not of this world” (v. 36).

Think about it: We live on earth and in heaven. Sometimes the two worlds clash. So how do we respond? I’m sure the disciples wrestled with this “dual citizenship.”

Let's look at what Jesus taught them about the kingdom. His disciples had watched him wage kingdom battles. He healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons. The forces of darkness had to bow before this Savior. Yet, the only thing the disciples ever specifically asked Jesus to teach them was how to pray. Jesus responds with a short tutorial—what we call the "Lord's Prayer." He teaches them to pray from a kingdom vantage point: “...your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

Notice the kingdom focus of this prayer. Jesus tells the disciples (and us) to pray for God’s kingdom to be accomplished here on earth, just like it is in heaven. In heaven, God’s will is done perfectly—so when we pray for his kingdom, we are praying for his will.

In the original Greek, this verse is in the imperative tense—more of a command than a request. It’s as if we are to pray, “Kingdom come!  Will be done on earth!” I sometimes think the Lord wants us to stamp our feet, shake our fist, and shout a bit as we speak his Word into a fallen world that is still crawling with enemies.

Spiritual victories don’t come without a fight. Without God’s Word as our authority. But the Bible calls it a “good fight” (1 Timothy 1:18 AMP). Jesus wants us to have a heavenly perspective to our prayers, but a watchful eye toward earth for our results.

Prayer: Lord, I declare your kingdom will come and your will is to be done. On earth and in my own life as it is in heaven. Help me to be “kingdom-minded" as I go about my day. And give me open eyes to see your results here on earth!

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