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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

The Marks of a Christian - Be Patient in Tribulation

Does your life have outward marks that reflect your inward convictions? If you are a follower of Jesus, it should. Patience during tribulation is another mark of a Christian (Romans 12:12b).           Jesus is clear and upfront about the tribulation we will face in this life (John 16:33). He tells us that trouble is guaranteed. Trials will come. Hardships are a fact - no one escapes them.   Why? Because we live in a broken world. Good and bad happen things happen to the godly and godless alike. We are broken people living among other broken people. And from time to time, we’re going to hurt each other. That’s why practicing patience during tribulation is essential. We must learn to wait patiently on the Lord. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary. We develop the ability to practice patience when we remind ourselves that Jesus is working in our circumstances. And He is using all things for our good and His glory to accomplish His purpose in our lives (Romans 8:28). Consider this: Every person in Scripture who God used greatly waited on the Lord - especially amidst tribulations.  Waiting patiently builds our faith. Jesus wants our faith to become strong. Tough. Unshakable. A faith that stares down the most difficult tribulations, looking them straight in the eyes and refusing to blink. One that trusts God no matter the circumstances. Our waiting proves our faith. And Jesus loves it when we have great faith!

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