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A daily dose of encouragement from David and Marilynn Chadwick. 

  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

by David Chadwick

Yes, a virgin.

That’s today’s hidden gem. That a virgin would carry the Savior of the world, conceived by the Holy Spirit. A miraculous phenomena. The normal way the transmission of sin in the world was thwarted by this Holy Spirit conception.

Jesus had to be sinless to die for our sins. And this was the only way that could happen. This perfect God/man was the only hope for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life.

The first Adam brought sin into the world. The second Adam, Jesus, brought eternal life into the world. Romans 5:14 says, “Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.”

This is why Mary had to be a virgin! And Jesus’s conception had to be miraculous! Solely by the Holy Spirit.

The doctrine of the Virgin Birth of Jesus is an essential doctrine of the Christian faith.

Many have tried to minimize the importance of the Virgin Birth over the years and they couldn’t be more wrong. This doctrine is a crucial part of the power of the Gospel of Jesus. It must be tenaciously guarded no matter what.

And we only have this story given to us in the Christmas narrative. Ponder it. Contemplate it. Let it stir in your heart.

It should cause your worship during this time of year to abound.

Yet another hidden gem in the Christmas narrative.

Thank you for sharing a moment of your day with us throughout the year. This is our last week of distribution of the Daily Moment of Hope for 2023. We look forward to sending you a Daily Moment of Hope again beginning January 1, 2024.

  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

by David Chadwick

“Be quiet, Zechariah!” This is essentially what God ended up saying to Zechariah after his doubt and unbelief. It’s today’s “hidden gem” found in the Christmas story. Let me explain.

Zechariah was a priest. He served God in the temple. But he and his wife, Elizabeth, really wanted a baby. They had waited so long for one.

Finally, an angel named Gabriel appeared in the temple and told him the baby was on the way. Do you know what his first response was? He expressed words of doubt. Unbelief. He questioned God. And God shut his mouth for the next nine months.

Why, you might ask? I can only guess that the Lord didn’t want words of unbelief spoken around this baby.

Science proves that babies can hear even in the womb. And I can’t help but wonder if God wanted only words of faith spoken around this child, John the Baptist, an essential person in Jesus’s life. Could it be that faith needed to be so deeply ingrained in John the Baptist’s life and story that God didn’t want one word of unbelief spoken that he might hear? It is certainly worth considering.

Still. Quiet. Sober-minded. And a heart filled with joy, love, hope, and faith. These are all words that should describe a faithful follower of Jesus.

Psalm 46:10, paraphrased, says to be still and know that God is God.

During this season especially, speak only words of faith, hope, life, and blessing. A lot of word pollution in our world comes from critical tongues. May we choose the better path. And help little ones grow in their faith.

Another Christmas gem to cling to during this special time of year.

Thank you for sharing a moment of your day with us throughout the year. This is our last week of distribution of the Daily Moment of Hope for 2023. We look forward to sending you a Daily Moment of Hope again beginning January 1, 2024.

  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

by David Chadwick

We are halfway through our Christmas treasure hunt. Looking at hidden gems in the Christmas story. There are so many special messages that can be found in this story.

Today’s hidden gem is connected to Joseph. We can’t forget about Joseph.

He, too, had Gabriel visit him just like Mary did. God chose HIM to be Jesus’s earthly daddy. Like Mary, he was godly. He was essential in raising Jesus.

Dads are so important. They model faith. Their presence should give life to those around them. They show their daughters and sons how to live for God.

God chose Joseph to be Jesus’s daddy because he was a man of great faith. He was obedient. As whispers of scandal enshrouded Jesus’s hometown and beyond, that the child in Mary’s womb was conceived out of wedlock, Joseph stood by her. Protected her. Stayed committed to her even though he was tempted to leave her and could not explain the child in her womb.

Joseph was a Godly man. He exemplified Godly manhood. What an example for all men to follow! And his story is told nowhere else except in the Christmas story. Another hidden gem? I think so!

The humility and quietness of his role speaks volumes. May we not miss or overlook the significance of this man.

To all the fathers and men reading this, I want this to speak directly to you for a moment. Your role matters. The significance of what you carry as a father figure matters. I don’t care if you have biological children or not, if you know Jesus, you have been called to lead, protect, care for and father those who are younger than you in a God-honoring way.

Let today’s hidden gem encourage men to grow in biblical manhood!

And total obedience to Jesus.

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