Charlotte Crusade
The Charlotte Crusade is a simple response to the words of Jesus: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature...” (Mark 16:15). 91 churches, from different denominations, all across the Greater Charlotte Metro Area, are uniting for the sake of the Great Commission. This is more than event, it is a move of God.

Moments of Hope Church is partnering with The Charlotte Crusade! Pastor David cast a vision for this year and has said that this year is the "Year of the Eternal Soul." What better way to partner with that vision, than to join the Charlotte Crusade to mobilize evangelism, prayer, and outreach!
Here is how you can get involved!
We will be hosting prayer nights specifically for the crusade. Two of those prayer nights will be part of the Monday nights of prayer that we already do once a month. The rest of them will be through Zoom and a couple of house gatherings.
We will do a total of 7 weeks of prayer leading up to the crusade. We believe the Lord is going to do something powerful through the faithful prayers of the church body. Below you will find our scheduled prayer times and the Zoom link invitations.

Prayer Nights
Jul 25th
Aug 1st
Aug 19th
Aug 29th
Sept 5th
Sept 12th
Sept 16th
Zoom prayer night | 7:30-8:00p
Zoom prayer night | 7:30pm-8:00p
Monday night prayer| 6:30pm-8:30p
Prayer at The Graves house |7:00p-8:00p
Prayer at The Graves house | 7:00p-8:00p
Zoom prayer night | 7:30-8:00p
Monday night prayer | 6:30p-8:30p
If you want to explore more ways to get involved with the Charlotte Crusade here is the link to find out more details: