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8 Great Ways to Honor Your Husband: “Dream Big Together”

Writer's picture: David and Marilynn ChadwickDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

by Marilynn Chadwick

Dream big together! It’s the next tip for learning to honor our husbands.

I honor my husband when I share his dreams. When I work to help him accomplish his dreams, my dreams are also fulfilled. Not too long into our marriage, I realized that God’s economy is different from mine. When doing things God’s way, I often get back the very thing I give away. I help David reach his goals and dreams. Then he helps me reach mine. A wonderful rhythm develops. A mutuality.

Together, we’ve also learned that when we give our life away, especially to the lost and broken of this world, God pours grace and honor back into our own lives.

As you dream big and pursue adventure together, you often find heroes in the most unlikely places. Ordinary people living quiet, faithful lives—in my book, these are the real heroes.

A while back, David and I adventured to our nation’s capital. We met with influential men and women faithfully serving our country. We took tours of the capitol, awed by the courageous faith of our Founding Fathers. Their names are written in history—their impact will last for generations.

But for me, the real hero showed up—of all places—in a taxi cab. Our driver was a gentle, friendly man with an east African accent. I noticed the prominent cross on his dashboard. He talked about his 33 years driving a cab. His three kids had all graduated from fine colleges, he boasted, with that dad-kind-of-pride. All had prestigious jobs working in DC.

“You must have done some pretty good parenting,” I commented. “What’s your secret?” “My secret,” he laughed, “is America.” “In America, if you’re willing to work hard, you can reach your dream.”

“There are some who might disagree,” I replied. “Hmmm,” he paused, “then they have never lived in another country.” See, he had fled the severe persecution of Christians in Eritrea. He went on to say quietly, “People here don’t know what it’s like to not have freedom.”

When he was a much younger man, he had been educated as an accountant back in Eritrea. But since coming to America, he has worked as a cab driver. Day after day. Month after month. Year after year. He was well past his prime.

As David and I were on our own adventure as a result of dreaming big together, I knew we'd been with a true hero that day. Someone who dreamed big and provided freedom for his family. And a man of honor.


This series is adapted from the book, 8 Great Ways to Honor Your Husband by Marilynn Chadwick. To download your free PDF copy of this book, please visit our website by clicking here!

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