by David Chadwick We are on day four of looking at what it takes to develop a life of hope. I want us to be a people of hope. Expectant. Fruitful. Full of life. Did you know Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life”? Without hope, our hearts get sick. Some have said over the years that happiness is only true happiness when it’s shared. I would add that hope is only truly attained when it’s been given away. A principle of God’s Word that teaches us this is to sow a seed to your need. How does this principle apply to hope? Well, if you need hope, find someone who is struggling with something, a situation perhaps worse than your present situation who needs hope, and go give them hope. It’s even more powerful when you choose to give to the area of YOUR greatest need. Maybe you have a financial need? Try giving money away to someone in greater need. Maybe you’re struggling to get pregnant? Go serve with a crisis pregnancy ministry. Are you in need of a job? Go serve those who are homeless and jobless. Give your life away. Give people words of encouragement. Bible verses. Prayers. Financial gifts (and do so anonymously, not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing as Jesus taught in Matthew 6:3-4). As you have freely received so much from Jesus, freely give it away to others (Matthew 10:8). If you want more hope in your life, go give hope away to someone who needs it. Then watch and see how hope will increase in your life.
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