by David Chadwick
One of my favorite things about the Bible is the authenticity of the story. God doesn’t hide the broken parts of humanity in the story line. He doesn’t fabricate evil to make it look better than it actually was. He tells the real, hard truths, which makes his redeeming love and sanctifying grace all the more powerful.
2 Kings 2:23-25 is one of those stories. It tells us about 42 young thugs. They are today’s villains. Boy, were these some bad guys! Their sin was total disrespect for God’s chosen.
Elisha, the prophet, was preaching God’s truth with power and authority. People’s lives were being changed.
One day, when preaching, 42 young boys came on the scene and began to derisively mock Elisha. They scorned him and called him “Baldy” and insinuated that he had no value. Historically, “baldhead” was a term used with malicious intent to describe someone who was full of disgrace. These young boys were forcefully coming at Elisha and deeming him and his message as worthless!
Can you imagine this scene in your mind? A teenage gang accosting an older man of God. Threatening him! Intimidating him! Shaming him! What horror!
Elisha boldly responded to their threats. He faced these 42 young bad guys and “cursed them in the name of the Lord” (2 Kings 2:24). Like any good father would, who witnessed bullies attacking an older man, God would have none of it and responded on behalf of Elijah! God called out two female bears from the woods to attack the boys.
Here’s the truth. God hates the disrespect of his chosen vessels. God also values the proclamation of his Word through those he appoints and equips. Remember 2 Timothy 3:12: “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
Satan will use whatever instrument he can to prevent God’s Word from going out into all the world. But God responds as the ultimate hero by removing obstacles that Satan creates so that his Word can move forward!
No bad guy can win over our great and powerful God!