There are many things in our life we just don’t understand. Difficult situations or circumstances in which God has closed a door. Ended a season. Said, “I have a different plan,” for a direction.
In God’s infinite wisdom, he chooses what to and to not reveal to us (Deut. 29:29). Often to protect our hearts. But what God does choose to reveal to us is important. He expects us - in obedience - to trust him, whether we understand or not.
And we must especially trust God with the “!” - an emphatically shut and locked door. We don’t try to change it to a “?”. We don’t keep pondering why.
We recognize God has closed and locked the door for a reason. We move forward in faith, continuing to trust in his healing grace.
We don’t question the why. If we do, we’re ultimately questioning God’s goodness and faithfulness. Instead we trust God with the “!”. And our trust builds our faith.
Don’t put a “?” where God has put an “!”. Trust him. He knows why he has done what he did.
He’s done so because of his perfect plan for your life (Jer. 29:11).