Grief is the result of a loss. Small loss? Minimal grief. But a big loss often results in an outpouring of grief that knows no bounds. Think about it. Losing your car keys causes some pain. Losing a loved one causes much more pain. The more valuable the loss, the greater the magnitude of grief. And while every human in the world grieves, what separates believers from non-believers is how we grieve. Christians grieve with hope (1 Thes. 4:13). We know that we will indeed see again - in heaven and for eternity - our loved ones who trusted in Jesus. The Word of God declares that Christ-followers will be with the Lord forever (1 Thes. 4:17). But for non-believers, the truth is grim. Death is the end of everything. The finality of life is hopeless. Life is no more. Grief is indeed spelled L-O-S-S. We enter the world with nothing. We leave with nothing. But followers of Christ grieve with hope. That’s because we have learned that Jesus truly is our sufficiency for all of life.
David and Marilynn Chadwick
Davidisms - Grief Is Spelled L-O-S-S
Updated: Sep 8, 2021