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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Davidisms: If You Did It Once, You Can Do It Again

What would you consider the greatest miracle in the Old Testament? The New Testament?

The parting of the Red Sea and the Resurrection are the centerpiece miracles of each.

In fact, the Jews were told numerous times throughout Scripture to remember the Red Sea (Psalm 106:7). The crosses that many Christians wear around our necks today are to remind us that Jesus is alive. The tomb is empty. God has defeated sin, death, and the devil. Therefore, there is always hope!

These two mighty miracles prove how powerfully God intervenes for his children. And show all of us how God’s power should dwarf all worries in our lives!

Has God ever done a miracle for you? Intervened in a powerful, significant way?

If so, remember it well. Hold on to this memory with great faith! Let it marinate your mind.

Keep believing that God will come through for you, no matter how huge the problem may seem! Don’t ever give up!

That's because, if God did it once, he can do it again.

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