Yet another wise teaching from my dad. I’ve been married to the love of my life, Marilynn, for 43-years. It doesn’t seem long enough. Long before I would meet Marilynn, my dad taught me about the value and importance of marrying your best friend. Dad knew that a marriage rooted in friendship is essential. A requisite. Because it’s easy to leave your spouse. But it’s impossible to leave your best friend. Inseparable unity was God’s divine intent for marriage. Together, spouses were to form an unbreakable union. And then over time, two very different and diverse people become one flesh (Gen. 2:24). Make sure you spend lots of time together as husband and wife. Talk about anything and everything. Pray with and for each other. Best friends can share anything together, for a friend loves at all times (Prov. 17:17) Marry your best friend. When you do so, you’ll never want to leave.
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