The Father sent his Son into the world to pursue us. Even though we were lost in our transgressions. Dead in our sin. Disobedient. Discontent. With no means to earn forgiveness.
God pursued us. Rich in mercy, he gave us new life in Jesus (Eph. 2:4-5).
So that we’d quit running from him. Give up relying on ourselves. Give in to his unfailing love.
It was indeed a sacrificial pursuit motivated by unconditional love. Jesus did not think equality with God was something to be grasped. Instead, he willingly left heaven to pursue us. For what? Our eternal salvation. The ultimate, sacrificial grace gift (Phil. 2:5-11).
If you become discouraged this Christmas season, stop and remember that God first pursued you in his desire to spend eternity with you. And he will never, ever stop pursuing you.
God left the perfection of heaven to come to this sin-stained world to pursue you. To be in a relationship with you. To marry you.
You, beloved, are chosen. Elected.