Do you wear a wedding ring? Or perhaps hope to one day? If or when you do, make this a regular practice in your relationship: Remember your rings. Look at them often. Regularly. God’s purpose for your marriage is for it to be forever (Gen. 2:24). Lifelong. Binding. A covenant. And when your marriage goes through a season of turbulence - and most will - you have a decision to make. You can let doubt flood your heart, causing you to wonder if you should continue. Or, you can remember your rings. Gaze at them. Thoughtfully. Continually. As you do, remember two things. The rings are round, symbolizing an eternal love made in Jesus. You committed to pursue this covenant love and not give up. Remember too that the rings are generally made of diamonds and gold. Symbolizing love made in Jesus cannot be crushed or tarnished. It’s meant to glow and grow forever. Rings are outward symbols of an inward reality. What’s in your heart. They are meant to constantly remind you of your love for and commitment to your beloved. For better or worse. When rich or poor. In sickness or health. Forever. Remember your rings.
David and Marilynn Chadwick