We will meet Jesus one day. Either in his return to earth. Or in death. If he is God, he cannot lie.
What should we do while we wait? Here is one suggestion from the apostle Paul: self-examine (2 Corinthians 13:5).
What does this mean?
Think about this analogy. When you go to the doctor, he or she may ask you to do regular home self-examinations. Look and feel for this kind of lump. Unusual moles. Painful joint movements. Surprising shortness of breath. Etc.
Jesus, our Great Physician, does the same thing. Until we meet him again, either in death or his Second Coming, we are to self-examine our spiritual life. Prayer. Bible reading. Love for worship - both individually and corporately. Bearing other's burdens. Our union life in the Holy Spirit. Serving the needy. Sharing our faith with those who don’t know Jesus.
In places where you may be weak, strengthen your spiritual disciplines. Improve in those areas. Become stronger in places that need Jesus’s healing graces.
For you want Jesus to find you in good spiritual health when he returns.