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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Davidisms: Sometimes Jesus Calms the Storm. Sometimes He Calms You Amidst the Storm.

Sometimes Jesus calms the storm. Sometimes he calms you amidst the storm.

Jesus, the Lord of the universe, is quite able to calm any storm surrounding us with one word: “Peace!” (Matthew 8:23-27). And the storms cease.

Many of us can attest to a time when Jesus spoke a word and a miracle occurred. A child was conceived. A job was provided. A need met. Amazingly. Supernaturally.

Sometimes God does that.

But sometimes, Jesus doesn’t calm the storm - but calms our hearts amidst the storm. He simply says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you” (John 14:27). Many of us know this reality as well. Jesus’s promised presence amidst the storm, even though the storm has not been stilled.

Both are miracles. Both are realities of this life.

Therefore, worship him. And let us always praise the One who oversees both life’s outward and inner storms of our hearts.

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