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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Davidisms: Turn Your Scars into Stars

What’s one thing that soldiers and athletes have in common?

Scars. Sustained from injuries, lesions, or lacerations while participating in combat with others.

The wounds heal, but the scars remain. And every one of us has scars.

Our scars serve as reminders of the ways God has healed the wounds we’ve sustained, as broken people living with other broken people in a fallen and hurting world.

But God wants to turn our scars into stars.

How does that happen? When we begin to view our scars as reminders of how God led us through a battle to victory.

That means every time you look at your scars, you remember God’s faithfulness. How the Overseer of your life turned a scar into a star.

It’s what happened with Joseph in the book of Genesis. God transformed the scars in his life - inflicted by his brothers and others - into stars. Reminders of God’s faithfulness. It’s why Joseph was able to say to his offenders, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20).

Trust God with your scars. There was a purpose behind each one.

God will indeed turn your scars into stars.

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