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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Davidisms - When you Fail, Admit it, Quit it, and Forget it

At one time or another, everyone fails at something. It’s inevitable. A part of the human experience. So what should we do when we fail? Follow these three simple steps: Admit it. Quit it. And forget it. Admit it means own it! Don’t ever deny a mistake you’ve made. Instead, confess it. Bring it to the light. Admit you were wrong, and if necessary, apologize to anyone you may have hurt. Quit it means stop it! Don’t do it again. Learn from your failure. Commit to not repeat the same mistake twice. Learn a lesson and do better the next time because of it. Forget it means move on! Put the mistake in your rearview mirror. It’s now in the past. And your past has passed. It’s time to move forward, pressing on to fulfill God’s purpose for your life (Phil. 3:14). We wake up each morning to a new day that the Lord has made. One with his new mercies (Lam. 3:23). He gives us a new day with a clean slate for a reason. God wants us to leave yesterday’s failures behind! We can do so when we remember to admit it, quit it, and forget it.

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