This is a leadership principle I’ve found to be true time and time again.
You are creating a culture in your work environment whether you know it or not. And it’s moving toward one of two things.
Love. Or fear.
Let’s examine the different outcomes of the two.
Love creates compassion and care for one another. An environment that breeds success. Planting ideas in love’s fertile soil yields nourishment and strength. Teams working together. Seeds of trust and loyalty are planted to allow dreams to come true. Why? Because teams know that there’s nothing to be afraid of - even in failure. Because perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).
On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is fear. Fear creates paranoia. Jealousy. Envy. Selfish ambition. Competition. Winners and losers. An environment in which - ultimately - it is impossible to succeed.
Leaders, do a temperature check of your leadership style. And the culture you are leading. Are you leading with love? Or leading with fear? Planting seeds of success? Or scaring souls?
You are creating a culture in your work environment whether you realize it or not.
Lead with love. Serve people for their advancement. Don’t use them for your glory.
For your climate determines your success.