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Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Descriptions of a Faithful Friend: "My Fellow Soldier"

Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

Do you know what I have found to create the deepest of bonds between faithful friends? Even more than being a brother or a fellow worker? Someone who is a fellow soldier! It is the third term Paul uses to describe Epaphroditus in Philippians 2:25.

A faithful friend who is a fellow soldier understands that we are at war. There is a battle raging for souls until Jesus returns. A fellow soldier counts the cost of what is happening and sees the eternal victory. A fellow soldier is poised and ready for battle. A fellow soldier identifies enemies and threats and seeks to protect those around them. These traits make for a truly faithful friend.

Interestingly, Epaphroditus became ill while visiting Paul in the Roman prison. We don’t know exactly what the disease was, but it was serious. It almost cost Epaphroditus his life! But God had mercy on him (verse 27) and spared him.

Nothing will draw you closer to another than to go through a huge crisis together. And fight together for the victory. Epaphroditus cared for Paul in prison, not knowing if he was going to die and Paul cared for Epaphroditus in a near death illness, not knowing if he was going to die. They both learned how to fight for one another and contend for a breakthrough!

The fight against evil in this world is real. When you battle together with someone in spiritual warfare, fighting against the wiles of the enemy, and eventually overcome the problem, you tend to remain close to that person forever.

Look at people in your church as your “fellow soldiers.” Recognize that you are in a war. And as you fight and win together, you might just find another faithful friend!

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