by David Chadwick
How to pray. It’s a topic Jesus cared deeply about. He knew that prayer was the only way to maintain communion with the Father and to remain dependent on him. Jesus also knew that prayer is how God chooses to involve his children in bringing heaven to earth. To see his kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
This week, I want to help teach you how to pray. If it was important to Jesus, it must be important to us. I want to share specific tools I have used over the years that have helped me steward this spiritual discipline.
Today’s tip: keep a prayer journal.
Every day, I write out my prayers to the Father in Jesus’s name, by the power of his Holy Spirit. Did you know you can pray to each person in the Trinity? You can! For each person is God and a part of the Godhead. And don’t forget to pray in Jesus’s mighty NAME. There’s something in his name. There is power in the name of Jesus. Authority. Faith. Trust. His name is the greatest reminder of God’s sovereign providence and timing.
As you journal in prayer, make sure to write specifically. Don’t be vague. Praise him for what he has done for you. Give thanks for the many blessings he has bestowed upon you. Gratitude is such a powerful tool. So powerful that even secular academicians have proven the power of thankfulness.
Be sure to also pray for what you desire! Be specific. Write down what you hope God will do in your life. Your dreams. Your aspirations. Remember we serve a God who loves to do exceedingly more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
The beauty of a daily, written prayer journal is that you can go back three months from now. A year from now. Three years. Five years down the road. And in doing so, you will see how God has been faithful to answer your prayers. You’ll also see what you need to keep praying for.
For me, this has been a small discipline that has reaped great rewards. I pray you will say the same!