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How to Wait Well: Anchor for the Soul

Writer's picture: David and Marilynn ChadwickDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

by Marilynn Chadwick

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19 NIV).

God’s strength can help us keep our hope alive. Hope, in turn, makes us stronger—like an anchor for our soul. Perhaps you’re fighting to hold on to your hope. The mountain of obstacles facing you looks too big to overcome. It takes spiritual muscle to keep dreaming when circumstances look bleak. We need daily, supernatural strength to resist the aggressive intruders of discouragement and fear.

Years ago when I was walking through infertility, I experienced God’s strength in practical ways. The lessons are with me even today. But one thing’s for sure. Waiting is hard work! One day my husband David spoke words that helped me turn a corner. He looked at me and said quietly, “You know, we’ll never be happy with a baby unless we’re happy without one.” We were on vacation at the time. So I went for a walk to do business with God. Two hours—and a very long walk on the beach later—I returned. I had surrendered my dream to God. “Buried” my dream to have a baby in the sand. But I still held onto the hope that God had a plan for us that was good.

I felt strangely empty and free at the same time. There was a new fire for change. I wanted to begin again. And this time, I held my dream with a looser grip. I took stock of where I was. What I had. What I lacked. Where I could grow. In short, I began to clean houseThis was part practical and part spiritual. I worked at redoing the fixer-upper we had purchased a few years earlier. Paint, wallpaper and yard work were doable. These, I could control.

I also took stock of my physical “house.” My health had suffered from all the infertility drugs and treatments. Plus, I had always been a junk food addict. So I found a good naturopath and began to eat organic and healthy, not easy or even embraced by most people forty years ago. I also found ways to discipline myself through exercise.

I discovered that structure and order kept me mentally healthy. There was some comfort in controlling what I could control. I could not control when I would get pregnant. But I could make a conscious choice to declutter both my soul and my surroundings.

Turns out our faith grows stronger when we lighten our load. The Bible encourages us to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1).

Maybe there’s something in your life slowing you down. If so, I encourage you to pray this prayer: Lord, reveal any sins, habits, or circumstances I need to “throw off” so that I can grow stronger and wait well. Empower me anew to pursue the dream you have placed in my heart.

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