by David Chadwick
In order to wait well, we must practice. We must strengthen the muscles that our flesh would tend to let atrophy—especially our minds. As we crucify our flesh and feed our spirits, we will become stronger and stronger.
Here is today’s tip for how to wait well: Be self-controlled and sober-minded.
This is a clear command from God’s Word, found in 1 Peter 4:7. It starts off by saying, “The end of all things is at hand…” Then comes this command, “Therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.” I would say that’s a pretty strong warning for the end of the age.
The definition of these two terms, self-controlled and sober-minded, are obvious, but let us look a bit deeper beyond what is seen at first glance.
Self-controlled. Self! Controlled. You control yourself. Your decisions. Your choices. You are not under the authority of anyone or anything other than the Holy Spirit. You are able to guard your tongue, guard your eyes, discern correctly, and live righteously.
Sober-minded. A sober mind. You aren’t under the influence of any drug or alcohol. You guard your mind. You are free from addiction altogether. No pornography. No substance. No power can cause your mind to become intoxicated toward Satan’s wiles.
In the name of Jesus, I am here to remind you today that any addiction that has bound you and placed you in prison has no power over you. YOU ARE FREE! The enemy doesn’t control you. Nor do the lusts of your flesh. If you are in Christ you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and it is now the Spirit who guides you to make right decisions under his power. But we must choose to live this way. After all, we are the sum of all our life choices.
Did you notice, too, how whatever is chosen is directly connected with our prayer life?
May Jesus find you under his control and power when he returns. “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).
Then you will surely hear him say, “Well done!”