by David Chadwick
Keys are used as a means of gaining entrance or access to something. We are spending some intentional time looking at keys for your prayer life. Marilynn and I have a strong value for prayer. We believe it is an under taught, underused, mighty weapon to be used by the Church.
I am sharing a new key with you each day. Each key is meant to help you gain access into God’s presence through prayer.
Today, we are looking at this key to powerful prayer: shameless audacity. Or as Luke 11:8 says, “impudence.”
Read Luke 11:5-8, the parable of the friend at midnight. If you remember, Jesus gave a teaching about a man who went to visit his friend at midnight. He knocked on his door and explained how he needed some bread for another friend of his who just arrived from a journey. The friend he was visiting tells him to leave him alone; he was in his warm, comfortable bed and probably half asleep.
What Jesus points out in verse 8 is so interesting. He says, “I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his impudence he will rise and give him whatever he needs.” Impudence. Shameless audacity. A cocky boldness.
The visitor kept knocking PERSISTENTLY even though it was midnight. Why? Because he knew that his friend was a good friend and if he would ask enough times, his good friend was bound to respond.
God is a faithful, good and loving Daddy (Deuteronomy 7:9). A close and personal friend. And as I have reminded you before, we are friends of God (John 15:15).
Because of this, we pray with a heart of shameless audacity. Impudence. Some have even said the word means “swagger.” Being SO confident that your good and loving Daddy God will answer you. Because you know him. You know his nature. Therefore, you can ask him anything!
God is a good Daddy and close friend!