Do you know the eternal God of the universe wants to be your close, personal friend? Yourcompanion? Your ally?
God truly does.
The Lord is your loving Daddy who yearns to be intimately involved in every area of your life. He wants to be in close, ceaseless contact with you. He longs for a deeply personal relationship with His friend, you.
King David became God’s close friend. David found his hope in God alone: “He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken” (Psalm 62:1-2).
When David wrote Psalm 62, he was under attack by his enemies. But instead of giving way to fear, David called upon the Lord - his rock.
In fact, in Psalm 61:1, when David’s heart felt overwhelmed and faint, he called to God and asked Him to lead him to the rock “that is higher than I.” That rock is a place of safety. Security. Life. Hope. Blessing.
When your heart is overwhelmed, ask your personal God to lead you to the rock. The One with the highest vantage point. The One on whom you can stand, and always have your mouth above the floodwaters of life.
God wants to be your personal rock. No matter what you may be experiencing, you can lean on Him and say, “My rock will never be moved! I cannot be shaken. On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. Standing on my God, I am safe and secure. You are MY rock!"
It’s God’s promise to you.
Believe and claim it today.