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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Ordinary Heroes: Live a Faithful Life

by Marilynn Chadwick Sometimes you find heroes in the most unlikely places. I’m referring to those ordinary folks who are quietly living faithful lives—in my eyes, they’re the real heroes. A while back, we traveled to our nation’s capital. David and I met with influential men and women who are faithfully serving our country. We toured the capitol building. We were reminded anew of our awe for the courageous faith of our Founding Fathers. Their names are written in history—their impact will last for generations. But for me, the real hero showed up—of all places—in a taxicab. Our driver was a gentle, friendly man with an east African accent. He talked about his 33 years driving a cab. He boasted with that “dad-kind-of-pride” that his three kids had all graduated from fine colleges. All had prestigious jobs working in Washington, DC. “You must have done some pretty good parenting,” I commented. “What’s your secret?” “My secret,” he laughed, “is America. In America, if you’re willing to work hard, you can reach your dream.” “There are some who might disagree,” I replied. “Hmmm,” he paused. “They have never lived in another country.” Our cab driver told us how he had fled the severe persecution of Christians in Eritrea, formerly part of Ethiopia. I noticed the prominent cross on his dashboard. “People here don’t know what it’s like to not have freedom,” he said quietly. As a much younger man he had been educated as an accountant back in Eritrea. But since coming to America, he has worked as a cab driver. Day after day. Month after month. Year after year. He was well past his prime. “We have very smart kids,” he smiled. “They call every weekend and want to come see us. They say, ‘Mom, what are you cooking?’ Yes, I am a blessed man, indeed.” An ordinary man who lived a faithful life. He had also learned the secret to real contentment. I sensed that heaven must have been applauding this humble soul. And I knew we'd been in the presence of a true hero that day.

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