Our lives as Christ-followers should have outward marks, which enable others to sense that we are different. Set apart. Living in the world, but not of the world. One such mark is leaving vengeance to the Lord. Today, we’ll examine the second part of a two-fold command: “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God” (Romans 12:19b). Human desire for vengeance is natural. It’s part of the human condition. Of living in the flesh. But God is very clear with us. Vengeance is His and only His (Romans 12:19). Why? Because only He knows how to right a wrong. Only He can rightly serve justice for all. God sees our pain. Feels our hurt. Mourns with us when we’ve been harmed. That’s why He wants us to lay our hurts at the foot of His throne. But please note that God does become angry when people wrongly hurt us. It does fuel His wrath. He simply asks us to let Him deal with it. Let His anger bring justice. Placing all vengeance in God’s hands proves we trust Him. To deliver vengeance in His time. In His way. For His purposes. God has a thousand ways to do vengeance - and He will do it much better than we will. When we leave vengeance to Him, it builds our faith like nothing else. And God is the rewarder of people who have great faith (Hebrews 11:6).
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