Marilynn and I were watching a television show where a military ops team was rescuing captives from their enemy. One of the soldiers spoke this profound truth: “A distracted soldier is a dead soldier.”
It’s true for military soldiers, and for us as well. Christian soldiers, marching in a war against a real enemy with Jesus by our side.
Throughout Scripture, Christ-followers are commanded to be alert. Aware. Watchful. On guard (1 Pet. 5:8-9; Mark 13:33-37).
Why? Because our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Pet. 5:8). He wants to entrap us in his wicked schemes and render us impotent in our witness for Jesus. Sin crouches at our door (Gen. 4:7).
Therefore, we must remain steadfastly alert - vigilant even - so that we can recognize the enemy’s schemes and wiles.
Because a distracted soldier is a dead soldier.