This one came from my dad as I began ministry: Choose your battles wisely. You only have so much energy to address problems. If you make everything a battle, you’ll wear yourself out. You’ll spend so much time fighting small, insignificant battles, that when the important battles arise, you won’t have the necessary vitality and endurance to fight them and win. How are we to decide which battles are worth fighting? First, begin with the end in mind. What is your specific goal? What are the steps you must take? Use these questions as a filter to decide if the battle is worth the fight now. Or perhaps should be fought later on. Then, think about long-term implications of the potential battle facing you. What is your endgame? What is most important for your dream to be fulfilled? Often smaller battles will take care of themselves with patience. Strength arises as we wait upon the Lord (Is. 40:31). But always be patient and choose your battles wisely. Your strength is not limitless. Only God’s is.
David and Marilynn Chadwick