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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Davidisms - The Difference Between Needs and Greeds

The Lord is our provider. He meets our every need in Jesus. “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). If God promises to meet our every need, then we can trust his promise to be true. Our hearts should be at rest with this gracious promise from Jesus. What’s important though, is knowing the difference between needs and greeds. Needs are life’s necessities. Food. Water. Shelter. Hope. Love. Mercy. Kindness. Greeds on the other hand, are excesses. Our wanton lusts. Most of which are foolish and harmful. Many of which lead us down a path of destruction. Because in our effort to find contentment in the world - instead of the Creator of the world - we look in all the wrong places to satisfy a yearning that nothing in the world can ever fulfill. True contentment is found only in godliness, and that’s great gain (1 Timothy 6:6). By living a good and holy life. One which reflects a deep reverence for God. And the source of true contentment. Trust God with your every need. You can. The faithful are not seen begging for bread (Psalm 37:25). Just make sure you know the difference between needs and greeds.

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