Every human being makes daily decisions. Usually dozens of them. We must eventually choose one way or another. Over and over again.
When making a decision, I’ve found this insight helpful: First find the principle. Then make the decision. Principle over profit. Over people-pleasing. Over power. Over prestige.
Start with the 10 Commandments. They are the essence of morally sound principles (Exodus 20:1-17). They are reflective of God’s holy character. His moral law. His very nature.
When making a decision, if the choice contradicts any of the big 10, don’t do it!
Here are three principles I use as guideposts in my daily life: 1) People are first. 2) The team (your family or the people you work with) is more important than the individual. 3) I will be a man of character and integrity. My decisions will always align with these three principles. And the 10 Commandments!
Finally, here is a great rule to follow: If you can’t find the principle, don’t make the decision! Good principles lead to good decisions.
And good decisions lead to a blessed life that gives glory to God.