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Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Hidden Heroes: The Bereans, People of Precision

by David Chadwick

Our next hidden heroes are a group of people named the Bereans. Their story is found in Acts 17.

Paul went to the city of Berea in Asia Minor to preach the Gospel to a group of people called the Bereans. Amazingly, the Bereans did not become angry or aggressively defensive towards Paul’s proclamation of Jesus. In fact, the Bible says “they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily” (Act 17:11b).

The Bereans went to the Scripture (the Old Testament of that day) and studied it intently to see if what Paul was saying was true and accurate. They were people of precision. They were focused and intentional, desiring to really know why they would take on certain beliefs as their own.

When the Bereans found Paul’s message to be accurate, it says, “many of them therefore believed” (Acts 17:12).

What is the point of this story? Why are the Bereans some of my hidden heroes?

Whenever you are given a “word from the Lord” from someone, be a Berean! If someone is teaching a message that you are not sure is accurate, be a Berean! If you find yourself in a conversation with someone about faith and you sense something is off in the messaging, be a Berean! If you are sitting at your job and being asked to do something that seems unbiblical, be a Berean! Just like the Bereans did, go to God’s Word and hold that up as the standard against someone’s word.

If an individual’s “word” or “message” or “advice” or “insight” lines up with the Word of God and does not contradict it, you can rest assured that it is accurate and from the Lord. You should then consider what the implications are of that word or message for your life.

On the other hand, if it contradicts Scripture, flush it down the toilet and move on. Trust the Holy Spirit inside of you to lead to you the Word of God for verification and accuracy. He loves to guide his children in all truth (John 16:13-15)! And his Word is true (John 17:17).

Keep God’s Word as your standard for truth in every area of your life! It must be the foundation for all areas of our faith, behaviors, decisions and practices!

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